Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We've got a gem in this one

From the Post:

An ailing Luis Castillo admitted he could use some time off after getting dumped all the way to eighth in the Mets order last night.

Asked if he needs some time off, Castillo said: "Sometimes, I do. When I play three or four games in a row, maybe I can get a day off. I'm going to talk to Willie about it."

Yeah, you do that Luis. You go ask willie if you can play only 122-130 games a year and take off the other ~35 games. I'm sure that's why we locked you into a 4-year deal as our starter, so you could plan to only play part-time. I'm sure that will go over well.


SheaHeyKid said...

Maybe Omar should ask Luis if after they pay him for 3 or 4 games in a row, he can have a day off the payroll.

What a crock.

Fredo said...

That contract was a big gaffe. Sure wouldn't mind seeing Keppinger or Gotay in that 2B slot right now.

Of course, Anderson Hernandez will probably be ready any day now...