Sunday, July 05, 2009

Lucky Us

Ollie's coming back.

"Well, you know Ollie," Manuel said. "Ollie is not a command guy, so to speak. He's a guy that has control, but not necessarily command. I think what I'm hoping for is knowing Ollie -- being somewhat of a performer -- likes the stage, likes the big games, so to speak.

Hmmm, so what you're saying, Jerry, is the Mets are screwed, so to speak.


SheaHeyKid said...

Talk about a rousing welcome back from your manager, by the way.

Fredo said...

What an effin clown Manuel is.

While Ollie can suck, in his defense, pitching against major league hitters should be a lot harder than figuring out how to say something that is not retarded.

Beetz McDogg said...

I don't know what you guys are talkin about. After reading that quote how can you not have total confidence in his managerial skills

SheaHeyKid said...

Well, at least Ollie's "somewhat" of a performer. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.

This entire organization is a bunch of no-talent ass-clowns, so to speak.

Fredo said...

as it were.