Monday, October 09, 2006

Send Jeter packing?

While I hate to delve into Stankee news on a blog as pure as the driven snow, this article is too juicy to pass up, earning at least two Mad Dog "Oh Baby"'s.

To sum up, Caple thinks Jeter, not K-Rod, needs to be traded because K-Rod is: better, younger, and cheaper (thanks to the Rangers picking up a bunch of his salary). He also thinks you'll get more for Jeter b/c of K-Rod's perceived "baggage" and because of Jeter's perceived "leadership" (which he questions b/c Jeter let K-Rod twist in the wind all year instead of backing him up).

1 comment:

SheaHeyKid said...

They were discussing the question of where was Jeter's leadership (and particularly protection of A-knob) on the Fan and ESPN radio yesterday. One of the callers nailed it clearly: Jeter does not like the guys on this team (particularly a-rod), and therefore won't bring himself to defend them. This is in contrast to the team of 5 or 10 years ago, where there was a lot of camraderie.

Side note: pinella and a-rod are best buds. So if pinella comes, that ratchets up the tension, I'm sure.