Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Who is the Mets (and probably NL) MVP: Wright or Beltran?

Up until right before all-star break it was hands-down Wright. Now I'm leaning strongly towards Beltran.

Who's more clutch? Again, without looking closely at the stats I get the sense that Wright had more clutch hits earlier in the season than Beltran, but that's been reversed now..


dark commenteer said...

It all depends--where are we taking the poll? If we're on a road trip, Beltran is the man hands-down. Too bad he can't hit a lick at Shea so Wright reigns supreme there...

SheaHeyKid said...

In general mets seem to pitch and play a little better on the road this year, which is interesting. But that should score us well in WS, thanks to no one in NL other than mets players doing anything in all-star game and blowing home field.

Fredo said...

Too early to tell. Wright's in a slump now and Beltran's on top of the world. Let's see who comes through in the clutch. Beltran's certainly done it before.