Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's a good thing..

...the Mets game was not televised here Fri night. I saw online that K-rod was pitching the 9th with a 1-run lead, then saw Mets lost 9-8. I simply assumed it was K-rod's first blown save. A tough pill to swallow given that K-rod has been perfect all season, and even though of course he can't be perfect all season it would be fitting with this Mets team that his first blown save would come in such a visible game.

However, that scenario PALES in comparison to what actually happened. Given my disgust with Omar, including the absurd 4-year resigning of Castillo, it's really good I couldn't watch last night's game.

Because if I had, I wouldn't have a working TV today.

1 comment:

Fredo said...

" "

My thoughts regarding last night's game.