Saturday, June 06, 2009

The evidence continues to mount

"That was the most glaring baserunning error of the season, and there've been too many to count."

-Bob Ojeda on the 4th inning doubleplay resulting from one baserunner passing another

"Players coaches always get a great reception up front. One, two, or three years out, when the team underperforms and the players tell the manager to F off cause they can get away with it, there's going to be a lot less praise headed his way."

-Fredo, 9/11/08

Unfortunately for all of us, it seems to have taken less than one year to get to the "F-off" stage. One day after supposedly calling his star players Wright and Beltran out for bad baserunning decisions, the team comes back with an impossibly stupid, unfathomable, and "once in a generation" (per the FAN broadcast) baserunning error the very next night. You really seem to have your team's attention, Jer.

After a year of bizarre, non-performance based favoritism exhibited towards certain players, publicly undercutting other players in the press without addressing them in private, and generally making a circus ass-clown of yourself, I can't say it's all that surprising that the team could care less what you have to say.

1 comment:

SheaHeyKid said...

This team is a sick joke and unfortunately the fans are the punchline.

The whole organization disgusts me from top to bottom; it is a complete waste of talent.