Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yup, looks like the Mets finally got the right guy for the job

From today's Daily Spew:

No, Jerry Manuel wasn't glad he had to make a point about his authority as manager one batter into his first game at the helm.

Manuel met resistance from a helmet-tossing Jose Reyes on Tuesday night, when the shortstop's left hamstring tightened and he didn't want to leave the game. Reyes eventually headed for the showers, and shortly afterward apologized to Manuel for the well-intentioned insubordination.

"I told him next time he does that I'm going to get my blade out and cut him. I'm a gangster. You go gangster on me, I'm going to have to get you. You do that again, I'm going to cut you right on the field," quipped Manuel

You need to have players and manager sharing a common world view. I see good things happening.

ht: Drudge (!)

1 comment:

SheaHeyKid said...

Amazing, I just saw that myself. What kills me is that that quote destroys what otherwise was (IMO) an excellent managerial move by Manuel and a distinct break from Willie-time. I liked that: (1) Manuel was thinking long-term health of Reyes by pulling him; (2) he absolutely refused to back down from his decision even when Reyes threw a tantrum; and (3) he (unlike Willie) has made it clear that HE is the sheriff who runs this team, not the players. Apparently there are at least some number of players (Jose, Delgado, Castillo, Wags) who need to remember that the manager runs the show and they need to defer to him. Period.

However, Manuel then has to go and ruin it with a stupid, Ozzie-Guillen-like quote. The team needs a stronger leader, and if that type of quote is what it is going to take to keep Reyes in line, fine. But keep it private between you and Reyes on the field - don't share that publicly.