Sunday, July 15, 2007

Peflrey to the Pen

According to, which means there's a 50/50 chance he's starting tomorrow.

But seriously, the article says he'll be in the pen until Sosa is reactivated, and then it's a question mark what the team will do. Would they keep up Pelfrey and demote/designate Sele or the Scho? I doubt it, but it's hard to argue Pelfrey couldn't pitch just as badly as those two, with a much higher ceiling. And it's a chance to keep him in the bigs. I'm not saying he couldn't benefit from more time on the farm, but the biggest obstacle he's facing right now seems to be his general fear level of facing ML hitters. He looks so nervous and uncomfortable on the mound, pacing, huffing, answering LoDuca before he's finished his sentence, etc. Enough armchair analysis for now.

1 comment:

Fredo said...

Pelf is back to NoLa.