Friday, May 21, 2010

Rex Isn't Just Fat--He's Stupid, Too...

Slick move, Ryan--all you do is harp on how awesome Revis is (not arguing this point--dude is top-tier) and that he's the greatest defensive player in the game and that he's the key to everything you do on defense and without him your defense would be nothing.

You didn't think his agent might possibly be listening to this?

So now, Revis wants a monster renegotiation of his deal that will cost the Jets an arm and a leg to keep him happy and playing.

Nice one--guess they'll have to cut back your Krispy Kreme budget to get the extra $$$'s...although if he could cut them out the Jets could build their own stadium with the savings and not have to live in the shoadow of the G-men.


Fredo said...

Interesting line of attack, D.C.

They call that a "flanking maneuver".

The silence must be SHK frantically yelling to his ComOfficer, "Wheel left! Wheel left!"

SheaHeyKid said...

Was on a little vacation the past few days. The $20M/yr number is supposedly bogus according to Revis, but the bottom line is that the Jets are going to have to come up with big $$ for Revis, Mangold, Ferguson and maybe Harris. But, that's the reason they dropped TJ, Leon, Faneca and others.

The one major F-up the Jets made this season, that I think may bite them, is letting Feely go and ending up with Folk. A solid FG kicker--especially someone who often was the only one on special teams who could make a TD-saving tackle!--is worth his weight in gold. The Holmes and Cromartie moves are a bit risky b/c of possible off-field problems, but if they are head cases the Jets could always drop them and just eat the salary.