Friday, May 07, 2010

Causation or Correlation?

The WSJ has an interesting article up today highlighting some of the statistical differences between Mets Fans and Yankee Fans (males only). While they found no statistically significant differences in terms of income, they did make a couple of startling discoveries:

Mets fans were more than twice as likely to be gun owners.

Mets fans were much more likely than Yankess fans to drink beer, and twice as many Yankee fans abstain from alcohol altogther.

And that was before they screened out the statistical outliers (Caribou Express).


SheaHeyKid said...

Saw that article. Took the quiz. told me i am a jankees fan.

Fredo said...

Lulz. I'm sure D.C. would probably take you up on that.

Fredo said...

Where's the quiz? Link please. I want to take it.

dark commenteer said...

Mets fans are 2x as likely to be gun owners because most Yankee fans are felons unable to legally own firearms.
And the beer drinking would be a violation of their probation/parole...