Monday, April 20, 2009

The Geek

Funny recap of yesterday's game over at The Geek. Sadly, the Mets are looking like a broken record, and you can basically just use a fill-in-the-blank approach to summarize each game.

One thing that's disappointing to me is that this is the first season in many years where I really have almost no interest in the team. Usually I'm psyched to see the season start, but given the crushing endings to '06, '07 and '08, along with no changes to starting rotation or break-up of "the core", I'm just not pumped for '09. Even Citi Field, which I'd love to check out this year, is disappointing in that they dramatically reduced seat capacity by about 13,000, and jacked prices way up.

Hopefully my enthusiasm goes up as the season progresses, because I surely need something to wash away the filthy aftertaste of the Jets doing their best Mets impersonation.

1 comment:

SheaHeyKid said...

With each passing game I wonder how many times does history have to repeat itself before Mets management does something? A popular definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Unfortunately, that's precisely what Omar insists on doing with our starting rotation.

Somehow they hope and pray that this is the year that Perez finally becomes consistent, despite a long track record to suggest otherwise. Or that Maine will finally be able to have enough strength and focus to actually pitch 6-7 innings every game and be healthy for a full season. Or that Pelfrey will somehow rocket from being a shaky #5 starter 2 years ago to a legit #2 today.

I only hope that management does not play out the same broken record this year, but actually does something to bolster the starting rotation. To me, picking up 2 closers in the offseason instead of 1 closer and 1 starter was silly.