Saturday, January 27, 2007

In what can only be considered great news

Aaron Sele is now part of the Mets organization. Jose Lima, Brian Daubach and Edgardo Alfonzo now have a 4th to round out their Euchre game.


SheaHeyKid said...

Lima time!!

This signing is exactly in line with what to expect from Minaya. He believes they have their core nucleus, and now he wants to rotate experienced volume through hoping to find the one gem. In many ways, they are trying to do what Pats and A's do. Find the overlooked, improperly used, underpaid player. If there really is a way to analyze and locate these players (which Billy Beane certainly believes is the case), this is obviously a win-win. For now, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because they came up with a lot of gem performances from no-names in the pen last year.

Fredo said...

One online source (who I can't remember now, sorry) referred to Sele as this year's Darren Oliver. We'll see. I guess you're right, Omar's earned the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, if Sele amounts to nothing more than this year's Jeff Musselman (Mets vintage), I guess it wouldn't really matter. With the cheap contract, he's not staking much on Sele's success.